During the school year we hold open mornings for you to meet the staff and see the children at play.
At the end of the summer term we hold a leavers’ party for the children leaving to go to 'big school' followed by a presentation and graduation. Parents and carers are welcome to attend for this event.
We also host a Christmas Party for all the children followed by a Christmas Performance.
We also have an annual day out. These can include a ‘family day’ at the local farm where parents / carers are welcome to join the children and staff for the day or even a walk around Holly Hill and a picnic.
Other events may include; Father's Week, Grandparents Week, Pet Week as well as many visitors such as The Police, Fire Brigade, Dental Nurse, Lollipop Man. We also have visits from the reception teachers of our surrounding primary/infant schools.
Please look out for details on all the events on the parents noticeboard in the hallway.